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Lucubrate Magazine, Issue 34, July 27th, 2018
The study year starts in August in Norway. All the youth that has finalized the lower secondary school, apply for upper secondary schools. Candidate numbers for upper secondary schools in Norway (July 2018) show that this year there are 1200 more applicants for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) compared with last year.
This year, the total number is 207,000 applicants for Upper Secondary education. There are almost as many applicants for vocational training as for the general study specialization preparation. Given that the total number of applicants for upper secondary school has decreased from last year, these figures are even more encouraging for recruitment to vocational subjects.
The general study specialization preparation is still the education program with most applicants at all stages. At the same time, this education program has the most significant decline in the number of applicants.
The last years the Norwegian Government has put in place measures to get more students to apply TVET. The Government has increased apprenticeship grant per contract. That makes it easier for companies to take apprentices. The Government has sharpened the requirement for apprenticeships to companies that want to win public tenders. The Norwegian Government strengthens vocational subjects and vocational schools.
The number of apprenticeships has increased by 15% since 2013. Today more of the apprenticeship complete and get the Trade Certificate. These numbers have in the period 2012 – 2017 increased by 19 percent. The last five years, the number of apprentices in the public sector has risen sharply with near 30 percent.
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The photo on top: JON INGEMUNDSEN
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